Call For Curatorial Proposals: Visual AIDS Exhibit

Visual AIDS, a contemporary art organization that supports AIDS education, prevention efforts and the work of HIV positive artists, invites curators to submit their proposals for art exhibits dealing with HIV/AIDS. Submissions may deal with the cultural history of AIDS, explore activism and its relationship to art, or spotlight the work of HIV positive artists. Curators are encouraged to visit the Artist+ Directory for examples of works created by artists with HIV/AIDS. To view past Visual AIDS exhibitions, click here.

Visual AIDS will provide an exhibition venue in a non-profit gallery space in NYC, honorarium and administrative support, along with access to Visual AIDS artist members, and information about HIV/AIDS and related contemporary issues. Curators need not be based in New York, however they will need to be easily accessible. Organizing, planning and installation are expected to be “hands-on.”

Proposals should be a 1-2 page description of the exhibition that includes a list of possible artists; a working timeline for the exhibition to open Summer/Fall 2017; general budget considerations for shipping and/or art production; and a C.V.

Email proposal to Alex Fialho at Visual AIDS at with email subject line "Curatorial Proposal 2017: [Name of Applicant(s)]" or mail packet to Visual AIDS, 526 West 26th Street, #510, New York, NY 10001.

Deadline: August 1

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