Call for Artists and Teaching Artists: Mural Arts Program Artist Residency and Wednesday Workshops

Call for Artists: Mural Arts Program Artist Residency
Deadline March 6: Mural Arts Philadelphia invites visual artists working in any medium to apply for the Tacony Library and Arts Building (LAB) 2017 Spring-Summer Artist Residency. This 12-week residency residency, housed in a storefront library on the Torresdale Avenue Commercial Corridor in Northeast Philadelphia, is a unique opportunity to combine personal practice, community engagement, and the creation of civically-focused public art. The Tacony LAB Artist Residency is open to visual artists based in the Philadelphia area with experience in public art and/or community engagement. Artists need not have experience in mural-making to be considered.
The Tacony Community Development Corporation (CDC) has identified the creation of new street banners for Torresdale Avenue as a key 2017 development goal. The LAB’s 2017 Spring-Summer resident artist will create these banners in collaboration with community members.
The artist selected for the residency will have access to the LAB studio space for both personal practice and project creation; the space will be shared with LAB art classes and workshops.
The artist will receive a total stipend of $4,000, in addition to full funding for materials and supplies associated with banner creation. The artist will be expected to spend approximately 15 hours per week on-site in the studio and the Tacony neighborhood. Some of this time will be devoted to engaging the community through weekly activities with youth and adults. The artist will develop these activities in collaboration with the LAB Project Manager and the library staff. The artist will also be expected to take part in LAB open houses, relevant community meetings, and similar events.
Call for Teaching Artists: Wednesday Workshops
Deadline March 6: The Tacony Library and Arts Building (LAB), a Mural Arts Philadelphia project, is seeking artists to lead evening art workshops for adults.
These free one-day workshops are held every other Wednesday from 7pm-9pm in the LAB’s studio space. Past workshops have included watercolor, jewelry-making, pysanky, fresco painting, and collage. Interests solicited from attendees for future workshops include fiber art, ceramics, comics, and mosaic. Lecture-based workshops on subjects such as art history, contemporary art trends, and new technologies are also welcome. Revisiting subjects covered in previous workshops is also welcome.
Artist will be responsible for setting up, running the workshop, and breaking it down. Supplies and materials will be provided by MAP. Attendance at workshops will be capped at 15 people. The artist fee for the workshop is $100. Workshops selected will be scheduled throughout 2017.
The Tacony LAB is located in Northeast Philadelphia. It is convenient to I-95 and is a short walk from the Tacony Regional Rail station.
If interested, please submit a brief description of your proposed workshop, a proposed supply budget and outline of materials, a CV or bio, an online link to your portfolio, and a letter of interest to by 5 p.m., Monday, March 6, 2017.