BlackStar Film Festival Now Accepting Submissions

Submissions for the 2016 BlackStar Film Festival is now open. BlackStar, a celebration of cinema focused on work by and about people of color in a global context, will take place in Philadelphia August 4 through 7. BlackStar is accepting all entries via If you have any questions, email
- Films must be directed by a person of African descent or who otherwise identifies as Black, feature persons of African descent or who otherwise identify as Black, and/or tell a story of the Black experience.
- Narrative feature films and documentary films must not exceed running time of 120 minutes.
- Shorts must not exceed running time of 30 minutes.
- Non-English language works must have English subtitles at the time submitted. Dialogue lists will not be accepted.
- âThough not required for eligibility, preference is given to Philadelphia premieres.
Early bird deadline: February 29
Regular deadline: March 18
Late deadline: April 15
For more information click here.