Bartol Foundation’s October Teaching Artist Workshops

Bartol Foundation is offering three free workshops for teaching artists to learn new teaching strategies and connect to each other this October.

Resource Field Trip: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Tuesday, October 11, 2016  10:00-11:30 am
Perleman Building, 2525 Pennsylvania Avenue, Philadelphia
Philadelphia is full of free resources for teaching artists.  Join us at the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s  Wachovia Education Resource Center to learn about all of the resources that are available to you. Equipped as a high-tech research site and resource lending library, the Resource Center houses materials selected specifically to help make cross-curricular connections.

Teaching Artists Play Date:  Let’s Move
Tuesday, October 18, 2016  4:00-6:00 pm
Bartol Foundation (Friends Center) 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia
Learn by doing!  Led by Belle Alvarez, dancer and Bartol Teaching Artist Ambassador, this TA Play Date will move you through a series of activities for all movers including opening/closing rituals, attention-getters, small group creations and presenting.   Regenerate your own energy and network with other artists as you learn concrete techniques to take with you.  Teaching artists in all disciplines who want to energize their participants are encouraged to attend.  Come dressed to move! 

Mandated Reporter Training
Thursday, October 20, 2016  9:30 am- 12:30 pm
Bartol Foundation (Friends Center) 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia
If you are someone who comes into contact with children as part of your work, you are a mandated reporter who is required by law to report suspected child abuse.  It is vitally important that you understand how to recognize child abuse and how to make reports that are timely, complete and accurate. The Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance is the recognized leader in Pennsylvania for mandated reporter training. Their training reviews the elements of child abuse, including the legal definitions of a child, perpetrator, and categories and indicators of abuse. The training provides an overview of mandated reporting obligations, including how to make a report, protections for those who report, and the liability for failing to report. 

For more information and to register, click here.


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