The Attic Youth Center presents Sweethearts and Red Hots!

A fabulous glittery auspicious affair: The Attic Youth Center presents the 6th annual drag show, Sweethearts and Red Hots! Since its inception in 2011, The Drag Company of The Attic has fostered the growth and development of creative youth, that have since seen the stages of Philadelphia Pride, OutFest, Philadelphia nightlife, New York City, United States, and Europe. The Sweethearts and Red Hots show is The Attic's annual fundraiser for youth workshops focusing on leadership, civic-engagement, and team building. The Attic creates opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community, and promotes the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society. The Attic is proud to be Philadelphia's only independent LGBTQ youth center. If you would like to donate tickets or buy pre-sale tickets with cash, please contact Loran Grishow-Schade, Program Specialist at The Attic Youth Center (215) 545-4331 x. 112 or Friday, Feburary 19 at the William Way LGBT Center (1315 Spruce Street) at 6:00pm.