Artists Plus Community Organizations at Bartol Foundation on January 26

Do you want to bring your skills as a teaching artist to sites within the community? Artists can add vibrancy and knowledge to human service organizations, youth development programs, senior centers – any place where communities come together. Join community organizations and artists for an interactive peer-learning session that explores the intersections of our work. Hear from successful artist/community partnerships who will share strategies for identifying partners, defining common goals and projects implementation, as well as talk about the challenges of these partnerships. Learn about collaborations between the University City Arts League with Jane Addams Place, and the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission with Asian Arts Initiative.  Come ready to add your experience to the conversation and leave with more tools, networks and resources for your own communities.

Bartol Foundation, in co-sponsorship with the Barra Foundation, will facilitate a discussion around artists and community partnerships. Artists and leaders of community organizations  are encouraged to come and learn about what makes these relationships work. January 26, 9:30am-12:00pm at Bartol Foundation (1501 Cherry Street). FREE. Click here to register


Purim in the Sinkhole

Kol Tzedek Presents... Purim in the Sinkhole: A Triumphant Creature Cabaret on Mar 14, 2020, 7:30 PM at Underground Arts.
CinéSPEAK and Vox Populi are proud to present Lizzie Borden's feminist classic BORN IN FLAMES (1983) in honor of Women's History Month (March)...

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series allows the community to experience excerpts of the company’s work-in-progress and discuss how the choreography is created...