Art as Resistance: Call for Submissions

Art as Resistance: Call for Submissions

Beyond the Walls: Prison Health Care and Reentry Summit is a conference that welcomes all people interested in learning more about the impact of mass imprisonment and health disparities on our communities. Through panels, presentations, and interactive workshops, the Summit explores innovative approaches to the health and reentry challenges facing our communities, brings relevant policy issues to the forefront, and provides attendees with the opportunity to become involved in local and national advocacy work. With a focus on community led responses to the crisis in the criminal justice system, workshops reflect the needs of prisoners and former prisoners and will highlight the work being done to improve conditions inside the prison walls and in the communities to which prisoners are returning.

Art as Resistance Gallery

The Art as Resistance gallery seeks to highlight the creative contributions of individuals and organizations fighting to end all intersecting systems of oppression that perpetuate mass incarceration and all forms of state violence.

In United States prisons, where individuals who speak out against an unjust system are silenced through the use of solitary confinement, art can be a tool to subvert all forms of state sanctioned silencing. The Art as Resistance gallery pulls together the work of community organizers and those most impacted by policing and prisons to lift up the voices of those who have been silenced and to shed light on the harmful effects of mass incarceration on our communities.

Who is the Audience?

This Summit brings together the communities that are affected by the parallel crises of HIV and mass imprisonment, including former prisoners, their family and loved ones, service providers, health care providers, prison staff, parole and probation officers, legal service providers, faith based organizations, community members, activists, and advocates.

Submission and Gallery Information

Dropping Off and Picking Up Your Artwork

The conference is on Wednesday, June 28th at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

All artwork may be dropped off at the Institute for Community Justice [1207 Chestnut St., 2nd Flr.] by COB on Friday, June 23rd.

All artwork may be picked up from the Institute for Community Justice on/after Thursday, June 29th.

Setting Up Your Artwork

We work to accommodate your display needs, though we do have some spatial and set up limitations. We are able to provide the following equipment for set up:

- Easels for framed and/or sturdy pieces
- Tables for displaying unframed pieces
- Photo backdrop stand 

To submit your artwork, please email Grace Kinda at

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