Animating Democracy Releases Aesthetic Perspectives: Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change

Aesthetic Perspectives: Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change is a framework to enhance understanding and evaluation of creative work at the intersection of arts and civic engagement, community development, and justice. 

Consisting of 11 artistic attributes that address the potency of creative expression to embody and motivate change, Aesthetic Perspectives aims to inform and inspire reflection, dialogue, and rich description in use by artists, funders, evaluators, educators, critics, presenters, programmers, curators, and audiences.

The framework:

  • elevates aesthetics in civically and socially engaged art
  • helps describe and assess the work
  • expands criteria for considering aesthetics in Arts for Change
  • addresses historical domination of Euro-American aesthetic standards
  • promotes deeper appreciation of the rigor required for effective creative work


Learn more and download e-books and PDFs at


Purim in the Sinkhole

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KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

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