Registration open for Girls Rock Camp

Girls Rock Philly’s annual Summer Camp will be held Monday, August 4 – Sunday, August 10. Registration on their website and will be open until camp is full. Once they are filled up, we’ll start a waiting list for folks still interested! Girls Rock Philly’s Summer Camp, is a week-long program featuring instrument instruction, workshops, visiting artists, band practice, a showcase and a day in the studio recording their original songs. Campers have instrument instruction ever day in groups of 3-5 organized by skill level and age. On Day 1, campers form bands with whom they then have to write at least 1 original song collaboratively, assisted by band coaches. Campers also attend workshops on topics ranging from songwriting to improvisation to healthy relationships. At the end of the week, bands perform their original song at a showcase and then spend the next day recording their song in a professional studio. Open to all girls ages 9-18. Apply to Girls Rock Philly’s 2014 summer rock camp here.


Purim in the Sinkhole

Kol Tzedek Presents... Purim in the Sinkhole: A Triumphant Creature Cabaret on Mar 14, 2020, 7:30 PM at Underground Arts.
CinéSPEAK and Vox Populi are proud to present Lizzie Borden's feminist classic BORN IN FLAMES (1983) in honor of Women's History Month (March)...

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series allows the community to experience excerpts of the company’s work-in-progress and discuss how the choreography is created...