Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference Launches Interdisciplinary Review Committee

We are excited to announce the newly-formed Interdisciplinary Review Committee (IRC) for the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference. The IRC was created in response to community feedback, in an effort to continue to both center and expand diverse trans leadership in program selection for PTWC 2019.

The IRC, which is comprised of transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) and non-binary community members as well as TGNC and non-binary Mazzoni Center staff, is tasked with reviewing proposals and selecting workshops for the conference, as well as providing input on other programmatic decisions such as the cover art competition, keynote speakers, and awards and honorees.

Community members who identify as transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming, interested in volunteering for the interdisciplinary review committee should visit the PTWC website for guidelines and application process.

Deadline for all applications is February 15.


Purim in the Sinkhole

Kol Tzedek Presents... Purim in the Sinkhole: A Triumphant Creature Cabaret on Mar 14, 2020, 7:30 PM at Underground Arts.
CinéSPEAK and Vox Populi are proud to present Lizzie Borden's feminist classic BORN IN FLAMES (1983) in honor of Women's History Month (March)...

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series allows the community to experience excerpts of the company’s work-in-progress and discuss how the choreography is created...