The Philadelphia Independent Media Finishing Fund is Accepting Applications

The Philadelphia Independent Media Finishing Fund awards grants to Philadelphia area independent media makers with digital video and audio projects in the postproduction stage with an anticipated completion date of twelve months from the grant award date. Grants are awarded in amounts up to $2500 and are paid directly to service providers. This program awards grants twice a year. Deadline July 15

Scribe Video Center, a non-profit organization founded in December of 1982 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, seeks to explore, develop and advance the use of electronic media, including video and audio, as artistic media and as tools for progressive social change. "Scribe" is a metaphor for the use of electronic recording technologies as a modern tool to document significant contemporary concerns and events.

Scribe uses electronic media to document issues and ideas affecting diverse economic and cultural communities; create media works that comment on the human condition and celebrate cultural diversity. Scribe Video Center facilitates new approaches to visual form and language in an effort to further the aesthetics of video making.

Visit here for more information and to apply.

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