New free tool for immigrant justice organizers

Working Films--together with it's partners NAKASEC, National Domestic Workers Alliance, UndocuBlack Network, and United We Dream--is launching Stories Beyond Borders, a community organizing initiative to broaden the narrative about who is impacted by racist, inhumane immigration policies while lifting up the ways we can organize in response. Stories Beyond Borders features five short films (totaling 50 mins) that show attacks on immigrant communities at the border as well as stories of immigrant communities organizing for justice in neighborhoods throughout the United States.

Community organizers are encouraged to use this free tool as a tactic toward your larger strategies to shift public opinion and public policy on immigration. For more information on the films and to request to host a screening and community engagement event visit

The screening events should be free and open to the public, feature discussions led by those on the frontlines, and focused on reaching key audiences which include both impacted immigrant communities and potential allies. When the lights come up, you can lead the audiences to take part in dialogue and action tailored directly to the priorities and needs of those working for immigrant justice in your city or town.


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