Call For Submissions: PTWC19 Cover Art

The 2019 Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference (PTWC) is seeking artists/photographers for its annual cover art competition. 
We are looking for a visual narrative that moves the viewer to experience the beauty or uniqueness of any aspect of the trans experience. 
Submissions for consideration can be in any still medium— painting, photography, sculpture, collage, drawing, assemblage, Installation, fiber art, or digital art—and should be expressive of the artist’s emotions, whether it is bold energy, subtle expression, inner beauty, or a unique vision. All art submitted should be family-friendly.
The competition is open to all artists who identify as transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming expressing themselves in any still medium.
Two winners will be selected by the judging committee. Submissions will be judged on artistic merit and the effectiveness with which the artist reflects the theme. The winning artists’ artwork will be featured on the PTWC website, conference program book covers, and other print and online materials.
The cover art winners will receive a cash prize and a vending table for all three days of the conference (July 25-27, 2019).
Submit a high resolution photo of your original artwork to: You may submit multiple entries. 
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2019 (12:00 Midnight EST)
Winner Selection: on or before March 28, 2019
Artist Notification: on or before April 1, 2019



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